Amazon SageMaker vs Google Cloud AI Platform

May 05, 2022

Amazon SageMaker vs Google Cloud AI Platform

Are you lost in the world of AI and Big Data? Don't worry, Flare Compare has got your back with a side-by-side comparison of two of the most popular machine learning platforms, Amazon SageMaker and Google Cloud AI Platform. We guarantee not to use any confusing jargon, keeping things fun and easy to understand. Let's jump in!


Before choosing a platform, it's always important to consider costs. Both Amazon SageMaker and Google Cloud AI Platform offer a variety of pricing options based on usage, storage, and computing power. For simplicity, let's take a look at an example of training an algorithm for image recognition:

  • Amazon SageMaker: Using the ml.p3.2xlarge instance, with 8 vCPUs and 1 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU, would cost $4.284 per hour, plus associated data storage and training usage fees.
  • Google Cloud AI Platform: Using their n1-standard-8 instance, with 8 vCPUs and 1 NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU, would cost $4.303 per hour, plus storage and training fees on top of that.

As we can see, both platforms are closely priced when it comes to training a standard algorithm. However, costs may vary depending on factors such as the size of datasets and level of complexity of the models.


Both platforms offer an extensive range of features that cater to their users' needs. Amazon SageMaker excels in:

  • Ease of use: SageMaker has a simple and intuitive interface that reduces the time spent on learning to use the platform. Plus, it's compatible with various programming languages, making it convenient for different users.
  • Model optimization: SageMaker leverages the latest technologies to optimize the training and development of machine learning models.
  • Scalability: With SageMaker, users can easily scale up their computing resources and storage, depending on the demand and size of the model.

On the other hand, Google Cloud AI Platform has impressive features that make it an incredible platform. These features include:

  • Automatic Scaling: With AI Platform, you don't need to worry about scaling computing resources. It will do that automatically, depending on current utilization, so that you don't need to pay more.
  • Data preprocessing: Data preprocessing can be a task in its own right. However, AI Platform offers it as an integrated component of the overall machine learning process, making life a lot easier for the user.
  • Google integration: AI Platform easily integrates with other Google services like Google Cloud Storage and Google Drive.

The Verdict

When it comes to pricing, Amazon SageMaker and Google Cloud AI Platform are closely matched. But depending on the user's requirements, the cost might vary significantly. In terms of features, both platforms offer unique features that cater to their respective use-cases.

The choice between Amazon SageMaker and Google Cloud AI Platform, like many other tech questions, comes down to individual use cases. That being said, both platforms are useful tools for developers and data scientists. And with increasing competition, we look forward to seeing how the platforms will evolve in the years to come.


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